This is why Federation created the Passport to Jewish Life grant program. From 2007 through 2024, we have distributed over $1.7 million through 3,225 Passport grants. These grants have made possible a dream Jewish summer for thousands of OC children and teens. The grants have supported programs chosen by our families – OC Jewish day camps, overnight Jewish camps across North America and abroad, Israel-Poland trips, summer yeshivas, and Maccabi Games – experiences that widen horizons, deepen Jewish connection, and forge lifelong friendships.
We are fortunate that our community cares. With your continued support Federation’s Annual Campaign can keep making camp a reality for children whose families cannot bear the burden of the cost. We are profoundly grateful to the Ann Moskowitz Passport to Jewish Life Endowment Fund and the Temple Beth Emet Legacy Fund, which provide core funding for Passport grants.
Thinking ahead to next year? Applications will open in early February for Passport to Jewish Life 2025 summer grants. If you have a child who can benefit from a Passport, take a few minutes over the coming weeks to visit our Passport webpage, where you will find eligibility guidelines and FAQ. Make sure to click the subscribe button at the top of the page to receive important notices about application deadlines and more.
Shabbat Shalom,
Erik Ludwig, PhD
President & CEO