In your will, trust, or life insurance policy, you can leave a gift that supports the work you believe in, strengthens the Jewish community, and reflects your values. No matter what your income or estate value is, your gift can make a lasting impact on the community.
By leaving a legacy gift, you ensure that the things you value will remain with the community when you are no longer here. You help build a vibrant, enduring community not ony for your children but for their children and generations to come as well. Your generosity and vision will have an impact that lasts far beyond your lifetime. Bequests and endowments established decades ago are still helping to sustain our community today. Your legacy can, and should, reflect what is most important to you. Creating a legacy empowers you to complete the work of your heart.
If you have already included us in your will, trust, or life insurance policy, we would like to include you in our Legacy Circle. Contact Stephanie for more information.
Create a Jewish Legacy (CJL), a program sponsored and presented by the Jewish Community Foundation of Orange County and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, is a collaborative effort of our local Jewish organizations, congregations, and day schools.