Your Dollars at Work: 2022

Caring for Holocaust Survivors

• 171 Holocaust survivors received over 55,940 hours of home care, essential services and support for their well-being, allowing them to age with dignity

Strengthening Jewish Identity: Passport to Jewish Life

• 84 children and teens received Passport to Jewish Life grants to attend Jewish summer camp and educational programs that strengthen identity

Helping People in Need

• 958 clients assisted through Lifelines referral services

Empowering Young People

• 150+ public school children learned about Judaism, the Jewish people and antisemitism with Jewish peers through Student to Student
• 37 Jewish teens learned to counter antisemitism and Israel delegitimization through the Rose Project’s teen platforms
• $30,000 in grants to Hillel and Chabad to support Jewish student life on Orange County campuses

Strengthening Jewish Identity: Teen Engagement

• $240,000 in Teen Engagement and Wellness Initiative grants to six OC congregations, Chabad centers and organizations

Summit on Antisemitism

• 300 community leaders and national experts attended Driving Out Darkness: Orange County Summit on Antisemitism and Hate

Strengthening Jewish Identity: PJ Library

• 31,200 Jewish-themed books delivered to Jewish children in OC

Support for Israel and Ukraine

• Granted $100,000 from JFedOC’s Leon Ninburg Israel Emergency Fund to our overseas partners
• 350 Orange County donors contributed more than $222,000 to Ukraine Relief

View Our 2022 Impact Report


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