Lori Schwartz
“I grew up in San Rafael, California. My father’s family settled there in the mid 1920s, built their family, a business, and helped establish the Reform synagogue. Today, the synagogue shares a campus with a JCC and a day school. I don’t think my family envisioned that by supporting their synagogue and by sending their children to religious school and summer day camp, they would grow Jewish institutions and support Jewish journeys for those who came after them. But it’s what made an impression on me.
My Women’s Philanthropy journey came as an extension of asking what I can do to support Jewish institutions and Jewish journeys for my family and others in Orange County, and to ensure that the most vulnerable in the community are our highest priority. Before COVID, making sure Federation had a viable food pantry was extremely important, and serving on the Grants and Allocations Committee has been my greatest honor.”
Lori has held multiple leadership roles at JFOC including Women’s Philanthropy President and JFOC Chair of the Board. In 2016, she was honored at the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) International Lion of Judah Conference with the Kipnis-Wilson Friedland Award, which honors extraordinary women who have set a high standard for philanthropy and volunteerism.
Today, we are proud to announce that Lori has accepted a prestigious position on the JFNA National Women’s Philanthropy (NWP) Board. We are confident that her experience on the NWP Board will reward her and our Orange County Jewish community. Lori truly exemplifies exceptional leadership!