Ann Miller

Ann Miller 

“My Jewish journey began as a B'nai B'rith Girl (BBG) throughout my high school years in leadership roles on the local and regional levels.

When my family moved back to California after 10 years in Ohio, we settled in Orange County. Our first priority was to join Temple Beth Sholom where I immediately raised my hand and took on many leadership roles on the board. It was my way of meeting people and getting involved in the Jewish community. Having spent 14 years on the temple board, I was asked to join JFOC’s Women’s Philanthropy Council.

 I overlapped on both boards for a while, but knew it was time to become community-minded. I transitioned to Women’s Philanthropy (WP) Executive Council immediately. From VP of Pomegranates, to Executive VP, to President, to co-chair of the annual Women’s Voices Luncheon, to leadership development, leading has been a true honor. I was also fortunate to have been selected as part of the first cohort of the JFOC Skillset leadership development program.  The most special honor I received was Woman of the Year at Women’s VOICES in 2018.

I love Women’s Philanthropy, what we do, the women and the connections. I have spent about 20 years on this council and would say to any woman—JOIN, LEARN, AND SAY YES.

Give of your heart, give of your time, and give what you can.”