
11 2024

CSP: What Does Shock Look Like - Israeli Art After Oct 7

10:00AM - 11:00AM  

Zoom - Online - register for link N/A

Contact Arie Katz
(949) 682-4040

$ Cost $ 0.00

What Does Shock Look Like - Israeli Art After October 7th with Shirel Horovitz

All areas of life in Israel were shaken on October 7th and the aftermath of this shock as well as the continuing war have deeply affected the art scene too. In this session we'll briefly look at art from 2023 before October and then dive into the images that were and still are created since. What can art tell us about the current reality that we don't necessarily see in the news? We'll explore art responses, exhibitions and art works that are both praised and challenged to allow a different look at what we're experiencing these days and further understand the emotional climate in Israel in the past months.

See Registration Link for additional info

Sponsor: Orange County Community Scholar Program (CSP)