
23 2022

CSP One Month Scholar Sun eve series 3 of 3

5:00PM - 7:00PM  

Zoom - Online - register for link

Contact Arie Katz
(949) 682-4040

$ Cost $ 0.00

Community Scholar Program Sunday Evening Series
Part 3 of 3
Speaking Up: The Audacity of Prayer {Rabbi Aviva Richman}

How do we cultivate the ability to speak up when the moment demands? What leads to positive and constructive outcomes from speaking up? We'll take a close look at the biblical character Chana, who is known as being the model for our "silent amidah," but actually is an incredible model for the power of speaking up. Through Talmud and Midrash, we'll draw lessons for our own interpersonal practice and prayer and explore the relationship between the two.

Rabbi Aviva Richman is a Rosh Yeshiva at Hadar and has been on the faculty since 2010. A graduate of Oberlin College, she studied in the Pardes Kollel and the Drisha Scholars' Circle and was ordained by Rabbi Danny Landes. She completed a doctorate in Talmud at NYU. Interests include Talmud, Halakhah, Midrash and gender, and also a healthy dose of niggunim.

Sponsor: Community Scholar Program (CSP)