The Evolution of the Male Figure in the Poetry of Ghadda al-Samman with Dr. David Mendelsohn/Afnan Mawasi
Ghada al-Samman is a prolific writer who has produced over 40 works in a variety of genres, including journalism, poetry, short stories, and the novel. Outspoken, innovative, and provocative, Samman is a highly respected if sometimes controversial writer in the Arab world who is becoming increasingly well known internationally; several of her works have been translated from Arabic into languages such as English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Polish, German, Japanese, and Farsi.Unconventional in both her personal life and literary works, Samman is undaunted by the negative criticism that some of her work has incurred. She depicts such “taboo” subjects as political corruption and women’s sexuality and exposes all that she considers hypocritical, exploitative, or repressive in Arab societies. Towards that end, she creates strong yet flawed characters in specifically Arab socio-cultural locations, and relies heavily on stream of consciousness, symbolism, allegory, and fantasy in much of her work. Join us for a special CSP event with Dr. Afnan Mawassi as we delve into the life and some of the poetry of an inspiring arab female author who championed feminism and revolution.
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Sponsor: OC Community Scholar Program